Record The Journey and Thoughts

Sunday 28 August 2011


I come from the city of Malang, Unibraw Campus area, as if feeling MUDIK of stories of children boarding at my house after their MUDIK. In my mind I think a really good name MUDIK, but MUDIK where? Maybe the occasional MUDIK, follow papa to Tasikmalaya. But surely I'm accustomed to in Malang so do not feel MUDIK though papa really MUDIK.

After getting married and joined her husband working in solo, MUDIK become mandatory annual agenda other than incidental agenda. It was how so, happy, also sad. Sadly if it should go back to solo, leaving a beloved parent, in order to follow my dear husband.

Malang, 28 August 2011


  1. Walah... boso enggres... :(

  2. kok agak aneh bahasa nya :)

    btw maap lahir batin ya mbak

  3. shun, hahaha iya memang aneh, asal corat coret aja :P


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