Record The Journey and Thoughts

Friday 28 March 2008

Blogger: Upload Images

Nambah lagi fitur blogger. Kemaren masih ada 1 pilihan field untuk upload gambar yaitu browse dari komputer. Kini ada 2 field untuk browse gambar:
1. mengambil gambar dari komputer
2. mengambil gambar dari web

Sip dah!


  1. td ada pusting resign di bloglines kuk yg muncul malah image hekeke.. kbrnya mo pindah solo ya. ati2 dan sukses slalu y. eh kalau uplud dr web kan dah lama ada y itu..

  2. sip sip...dicoba ah...

  3. lho bukannya ituh sudah lama tho mbak?

  4. Website is Free Image Hosting - Free Images Uploading - Free Photo Sharing. We having a big promotion for you. Register Friends Plan images hosting for free. Please go to , register an account with free plan, then email for me that account to my email with subject: Join Friends Plan. I'll active for you account immediately with Friend plan.
    More info about our Friend plan:
    Webspace: 10 GB
    Bandwidth: 10000 GB
    No ads , no Watermark.
    Flash Gallery.
    Thanks for your reading


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