Record The Journey and Thoughts

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Rambutan Fruit Harvest

Yesterday a friend invited us to come to his home in Karanganyar (Central Java). There we were invited to visit the orchard behind the house. There are many fruit trees there, but the majority are rambutan trees. Almost everything is red, the sign could be harvested. Apparently some rambutan trees whose fruits have been ordered by a fruit merchant. Would we pick from trees that are still free.


fresh and sweet

It's nice to have fruit trees. Ah .. I want to have a fruit tree in the yard of this house in Solo..

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


Thus the fate of a few rodents today was invited to come and make mischief in my house. Actually sorry also seen circling in the trap, but the harmful habit makes me have to be tough. They say that rats are quickly killed by fire, or soaked in water. Well I do not have the heart, eventually he died alone because of exhaustion while trying to open a hole into a trap in the sun. I hope his friends do not come for revenge

btw, what if the corrupt are also being set up like this mouse? hihihih

Friday, 18 December 2009

SMS XL Package Actually Ending

SMS di atas membuat saya shock Memang tarif operator tidak ada yang abadi, selalu berubah-ubah mengikuti perkembangan seluler. Sebagai pelanggan saya merasa kecewa karena saat tarif paket SMS Semaumu ini berlaku tidak tersebut masa berakhirnya. Yang jelas operator tidak ingin dirugikan. Eh.. rugi? Tidaklah, yang jelas mereka tentu ingin laba yang lebih besar. Dengan tarif (yang katanya) murah itu diharapkan merangkul pelanggan lebih banyak. Setelah itu tarif diputar-putar seakan lebih murah, padahal menjebak. Ah sudahlah.. masih ada tarif operator lain yang lebih murah, meski harus rela membeli nomer baru

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Interpret The New Year 1431 Hijri

Tahun Hijriyah itu dimulai pada waktu Shohabat Umar bin Khothob menjabat sebagai kepala negara. Sebelumnya telah diselenggararakan musyawarah untuk menetapkan penanggalan Islam.

  • Ada yang berpendapat sebaiknya tarikh Islam dimulai ari tahun lahirnya Nabi Muhammad SAW
  • Ada yang berpendapat sebaiknya kalender Islam dimulai dari Nabi Muhammad SAW diangkat menjadi Rosululloh.
  • Ada yang berpendapat sebaiknya kalender Islam dimulai dari Rosululloh di-IsroMi’roj-kan .
  • Ada yang berpendapat sebaiknya kalender Islam dimulai dari wafatnya Nabi Muhammad SAW.
  • Sayyidina Ali krw. Berpendapat, sebaiknya kalender Islam dimulai dari tahun Hijriyahnya Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Mekkah ke Madinah

sebagian orang melewatkan waktu dengan ritual yang tidak diajarkan nabi. Ironisnya mereka menganggap itu bagian dari ibadah untuk memperoleh keberkahan hidup. Meminta-minta di kuburan, pohon tua, memuja hewan sampai-sampai..
Musyawarah yang dipimpin oleh Amirul Mukminin Umar Bin Khothob sepakat memilih awal yang dijadikan kalender Islam adalah dimulai dari tahun Hijriyah nya Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Mekkah ke Madinah. Kemudian kalender Islam tersebut dinamakan Tahun Hijriyah. Jadi adanya ditetapkan tahun Hijriyah itu dimulai dari Sayyina Umar bin Khothob menjabat Kepala Negara setelah 5 tahun. Ttahun Hijriyah mulai diberlakukan bertepatan dengan tahun 640M. Setelah tahun Hijriyah berjalan 5 tahun kemudian Shohabat Umar Bin Khothob wafat.

Sebagai muslim, menghadapi tahun baru hijriyah ini hendaknya mengintrospeksi diri dengan semua yang telah kita perbuat. Mempertahankan semua bentuk amalan yang baik dan meninggalkan semua perbuatan yang tidak bermanfaat. Dalam ibadah kita hendaknya mengikuti apa yang telah diajarkan Nabi Muhammad SAW tanpa menambahi maupun mengurangi.

Kenyataannya di momen pergantian tahun hijriyah ini, sebagian orang melewatkan waktu dengan ritual yang tidak diajarkan nabi. Ironisnya mereka menganggap itu bagian dari ibadah untuk memperoleh keberkahan hidup. Meminta-minta di kuburan, pohon tua, memuja hewan sampai-sampai kotorannya dikeramatkan, ruwatan massal maupun pribadi dengan tema 1 suro, dan lain-lain. Naudzubillah minzalik.

Sekarang ini jumlah umat Islam banyak akan tetapi dalamnya keropos seperti halnya buih yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan apa-apa, tidak disegani bahkan ditakuti. Kebalikan dengan jaman Amirul Mukminin Umar Bin Khothob, waktu itu umat Islam masih sedikit akan tetapi bisa mengusai Negara yang sangat luas seperti: Negara Mesir, Irak atau Mesopotamia, Yaman, Bahrain, Persi atau Iran, Palestina, Syiria, Turki.

Bubur suro yang dimasak warga secara gotong-royong memperingati 1 suro (1 muharom).

Tuesday, 15 December 2009


Hampir setiap orang mengetahui bahkan pernah makan buah kurma. Apalagi saat bulan Romadhon tiba, buah ini menjadi makanan utama saat berbuka.

Umumnya, kurma yang dikonsumsi adalah kurma matang berwarna hitam yang dikeringkan dan rasanya manis. Tahukah seperti apa kurma segar atau Ruthob? Warnanya kuning, yang belum matang agak keras tapi renyah, sedangkan yang sudah matang rasanya manis seperti buah sawo.

Pohon kurma memberikan hasilnya setiap waktu, sebagaimana firman Allah :

تُؤْتِÙŠ Ø£ُÙƒُÙ„َÙ‡َا ÙƒُÙ„َّ Ø­ِينٍ بِØ¥ِØ°ْÙ†ِ رَبِّÙ‡َا

“Pohon itu memberikan buahnya pada setiap waktu dengan seizin Rabbnya.”
(QS. Ibrahim: 24-25)

Buah pohon ini dimakan waktu siang dan malam, baik di musim dingin atau di musim panas. Dinamakan dalam bentuk kurma (tamar) atau busr (adalah kurma yang belum matang menjadi ruthob) atau ruthob (adalah kurma matang yang masih belum meleleh atau mengeras). Demikian juga seorang mukmin amalan mereka naik pada pagi dan sore hari.

Rabi’ bin Anas menyatakan: “Makna firman Nya: ÙƒُÙ„َّ Ø­ِين adalah setiap pagi dan sore hari, karena buah kurma selalu dapat dimakan di waktu malam dan siang, baik musim dingin atau panas, baik berupa kurma, busr atau ruthob, demikian juga amalan seorang mukmin naik pada pagi dan sore harinya.” (Disampaikan oleh Al Baghowiy dalam tafsirnya 3/33)

Dari Anas " Sesungguhnya Nabi berbuka puasa dengan Ruthob (Kurma mengkel yang baru dipetik dari pohonnya)sebelum shalat, kalau tidak ada Ruthob, maka dengan beberapa kurma matang, kalau tidak ada maka dengan meneguk beberapa tegukan air putih" (HR. Abu Dawud & Tirmidzi)

Dan diriwayatkan pula oleh Imam Ahmad dalam Musnadnya jilid 3 halaman 164 dari Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu anhu, bahwa Nabi shallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasallam biasa berbuka dengan beberapa biji ruthob (yakni kurma basah yang masih berair). Kalau tidak ada ruthob, beliau berbuka dengan kurma kering, dan kalau juga tidak punya kurma kering, maka beliau berbuka dengan meneguk beberapa teguk air bening”.

Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan Ruthob (kurma mengkel yang matang di pohon) mengandung:

65 - 70% air berdasarkan berat bersihnya
24 - 58% zat gula
1,2 - 2% protein
2,5% serat
dan sedikit sekali mengandung lemak jenuh (lecithine).

Hasil penelitian kimiawi dan fisiologi Dr.Ahmad AbdulRa'uf Hisyam dan Dr.Ali Ahmad Syahhat diperoleh hasil:

1.Mengkomsumsi Ruthob / Tamar (Kurma Kering seperti yang di Indonesia) setiap kali makan ini pada berbuka makan akan menambah kandungan zat gula pada tubuh kita dengan presentase yang besar. Dengan ini penyakit Anemia (kurang darah) akan hilang.

2.Saat lambung kosong dengan makanan, maka ia akan mudah mencerna makanan kecil yang menagndung gula dengan cepat dan maksimal. Zat gula pada kurma baik itu Ruthob/Tamar dalam bentuk zat kimia sederhanamenyebabkan proses pencernaan pada lambung berlangsung cepat.

3.Kandungan air dalam Ruthob dan Tamar (65 - 70%) akan menambah cairan tubuh, oleh sebab itu orang yang berpuasa tidak memerlukan air dalam jumlah banyak pada saat berbuka.

*spesial oleh2 dari mekkah

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Bengawan Increasingly Flows Until Far

Bengawan is community blogger Surakarta and its surroundings. a place of liquid brotherhood and egaliter. a brotherhood as fully his(its, especially for up to now still experiencing life and fills life alongside pate;upstream so downstream. Not Merely Bengawan Solo, but also small rivers having estuary to it. If You was blogger is remaining or have ever lived in Surakarta, has binding and interest about Surakarta, let us joins, together strengthens togetherness, brotherhood, and spirit [of] is each other share.

Now age bengawan precise 1 year. If bengawan was baby, hence s(he is reaching phase funny and pleases. Hopefully in its(the new age of 1 year, can give entertainment amusement and benefit to humanity. Happy Birthday Bengawan..!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

9 December

All praises just for Allah Subhanallahu Wata'ala which had is abundance enjoyed which cannot be calculated to to me up to today. I render thanks infinite to my parent which has taken care and enlarge me with sweat drop and bouncing movement of prayer. I also renders thanks to beloved husband of which very patient guides and accompanies me on the way reachs family sakinah mawadah wa rahmah. Doesn't forget to you and friend who far and also is near, we thank you for attention and affection all of you. Alhamdulillahi robbil'alamin..

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Cellular Beggar

Dasar pengemis pulsa bin penipu, atau memang bodoh? Kalau belum jelas aku beritahu caranya, coba buka saja artikel selular blog ini tentang Bagi Pulsa XL 3 tahun lalu:

Sudah beberapa kali menerima sms spam dari nomer tidak dikenal

*emosi sesaat*

Sunday, 6 December 2009


Iffah is business is looking after and backs from ill gotten things, makruh and culpable.

Things which can grow iffah :

Firstly: Believe and Godfearing.

This is ground that is most basal in looking after x'self from everything culpable. Soul welded by believe and godfearing is most important capital to fortify x'self from hateful things by God and Rasul. God give guarantee to its(the soleh charitable people who constituted by believe with good life, " Whose goods doing charitable soleh, either men and also woman, while the faithful him(her, hence in fact we will give to it good life, and in fact we reciprocation berry would to them with better reward from has they have do" (An Nahl: 97)

Then to the faithful who godfearing of God give AlFurqan, that is guide which can differentiate between Al Haq with Al Bathil. "Hi people who believed, if you is having godfearing to God, undoubtedly He will give to you Al Furqan and abolishs all your mistakes and forgives sins." (Al Anfal: 29)

And believe and godfearing in soul a fragile moslem has, hence that is forerunner easy to of x'self trapped in perverting and culpable deed. Hence looking after and fertilizing this believe is obligation which must get main priority.

Second: Marries

This is one of road(street fringe that is clear towards x'self chastity. Even marries is best supporting facilities and very afdhol to grow position iffah at x'self a moslem. Marries is thing fithri at x'self a moslem, where to [him] God makes love and affection and peacefulness. " And among His power is He creates for your wifes from your type x'self so that you feels is peaceful to it, and made [by] Him in between your loves and affection." (Ar Rum: 21).

Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said:

"Hi the young mens, whose goods among you which have been able to married, hence so it will s(he married, because the matter more (earns) subdues opinion?sight and more looking afterly is privy parts, and goods who is inability, hence so it will s(he fasts, in consequence can cure it." (Muttafaq Alaih)

In other hadits of he(she is said:

"If a slave have married, hence s(he have made perfect half of its(the religion, hence so it will s(he is having godfearing to God at half again." (HR. Al Baihaqy, shohih)

Sentence and the hadits-hadits was nash-nash which is clear pushs to marry, where pacification of liver, love and affection can be reached for by a moslem. And which more main again was that marries is supporting facilities which can look after opinion?sight and x'self honour every moslem.

Third: Feels small

Shame is behavior respects and praised. Shame is perfect character and classy ornament. Particularly respected if this shame decorates a muslimah. losed face growing in good position and extinguishes desire to do culpable. God had destined losed face this there's only at man to differentiate it with animal. Shame is making a picture glorious person and praised.

About main losed face this Rasulullah Shallalhu Alaihi wa Sallam said:

"Ashamed and believe is having you, hence if one of both that is abstracted, abstracted also the other." (HR. Al Hakim, shohih)

"In fact every the religion has behavior, and Islam behavior is feeling small." (HR. Malik, Ibnu Majah, Al Hakim, shohih)

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Ghibah is liver disease eating kindness, delivers badness and kills time uselessly. This disease extends in public because lack of religion understanding, life that is increasingly easy and the many leeways. Technology progress, telephone for example, also partakes propagates this public disease.

Essence Ghibah

Ghibah is discuss others with thing that is in bad books his(its if(when s(he knows it, good which mentioned over and over that is insuffiency of the body, lineage, demeanour, finite utterance and also religion at clothes, its(the other house or property possession. Calls the negative of the body like telling s(he is short, black, thin and others. Or at its(the religion like telling s(he is Iiar, fasik, hypocrisy and others.

Sometime unconscious people of s(he has done ghibah, and when warned s(he to answer: " Which I tell this truely correct!" Though Rasulullah Shallallahu ' Alaihi wa Sallam emphatically express deed of is ghibah. When asked to him(her, how if(when mentioned over and over that of course truely correct at man is being digunjing-kan, he(she answers: " If which you slanders truely correct at people, hence you has done ghibah, and if which you mentioned there is no at man who you calls, hence you has done lie to his(its." (HR. Moslem)

unlimited Ghibah by mouth only, but also able to happened with article or signal like kerdipan eye, gesticulating, pouting etcetera. Because its(the core is inform lacking of someone to others. At one time there is a woman comes to ' Aisyah Radhiyallahu ' Anha. When the woman has gone, ' Aisyah signs [his] armsly indicating that the woman short barium. Rasulullah Shallallahu ' Alaihi wa Sallam then word: " Thou has done ghibah!" For example herewith is movement modells others like imitating way people walk, way of talking it is and others. Even such more hardly than ghibah, because beside contains element to inform lacking of people, also contains purpose of jeering or looks down to.

Do not fail the wide-speading of is ghibah with article, because article is oral second. Mass media had not cattish and reluctant again opens someone ignominy who even a is top secret. Happened then, shyness censor masya-rakat declines coming up with lowest storey. Ignominy [shall] no longer be felt as ignominy which ought to be closed over, sinning becomes everyday food.

Kinds and Form Of Ghibah

Ghibah has is assorted and form, worst is ghibah accompanied with riya ' like telling: " I shelter to Alloh from a kind of this a bit thick deed, hopefully Alloh takes care of me from the deed." though its(the intention laying open its(the un-hobby to others, but s(he applies prayer expression to phrase its(the intention.

Sometime people does ghibah by the way of praise, like telling: " What a good the man, have never leaved its(the obligation, but which s(he has conduct like the one is many we have, less patient." He calls also x'self for the purpose of inveighing others and signs x'self is including faction of people shalih the always careful from ghibah. Form of other ghibah for example saying: " I am pity to our friend the always is underestimated this. I pray to Alloh that s(he [shall] no longer be underestimated." A kind of this utterance is not prayer, because if s(he wishs prayer for his(its, of course s(he will pray for it in his(its solitary and doesn't phrase it such.

Ghibah Enabled

Not all types ghibah prohibited in religion. There are some type ghibah enabled, that is dimaksud-kan to reach purpose of correct, and not possibly is reached except with ghibah. At least there are six types ghibah enabled:

Firstly : Reports maltreatment deed. Man who maltreated may report to judge by telling s(he has been maltreated by someone. Basically this is deed ghibah, but because meant for purpose of correct, hence this thing enabled in religion.

Second : Business to change badness and assists exit someone from immoral deed, like phrasing to man who have power to change badness: " The Fulan has done not true, prevents him(her!" Its(the intention is ask others to change badness. Otherwise meaned that way, hence the utterance was ghibah which illicit.

Third : For purpose of asking for advise. For example by saying: " My father have done like this to me, is the deed enabled? How to that I was not treated that way again? How to get my rights?" Expression like this enabled. But more safely if(when s(he phrases it with expression for example: " What its(the law if (there are) any someone is doing like this to its(the chlid, is that thing enabled??" A kind of this expression more safely because doesn't call certain people.

Fourth : To warn or advises the muslimin . Example of in this case is jarh ( calls inveighing perawi hadits) what done the moslem scholars hadits. This thing is enabled according to ijma ' moslem scholar, even becomes is mandatory because containing maslahat for Islam believer.

Fifth : If(when someone levels with menun-jukkan kefasikan and kebid'ahan, like drinking pageant, gambles and others, hence may call the someone with character meant, but s(he may not mention its(the other ignominys.

Sixth : To give explanation with a celebrated has mention at someone x'self. Like mentioning with the title mute si, the cripple and other. But this thing is not enabled if meant to show lacking of someone. But what a the good if calling him with epithet which s(he thinks much of.

Taubat from Ghibah

According to ijma ' moslem scholar ghibah is including big sin. Basically man who is doing ghibah has done two badness; badness to Alloh Ta'ala because doing deed that is clear prohibited by Him and badness to man rights. Hence first step of which must be taken to avoid this immoral is with taubat including its(the three conditions, be leaving deed of the immoral, regrets deed which had been done and promised not to did it is again.

Hereinafter, must be followed with second step to redeem its(the badness by right of man, that is by visiting man who slandered it is then apologizes to its(the deed and shows its(the regret. This done if(when man who discussed it is knowing that s(he has been discussed. But if s(he have not known it, hence for doing ghibah to his(its shall pray for it with kindness and promises at their/his self is not to repeat it.

Gimmick Avoids Ghibah

To cure habit of ghibah which is disease which is difficult detected and difficult to be cured this, there are some gimmick which we able to do.

Firstly: Always considering that deed of ghibah is enragement cause and irate of Alloh and lowering of adzab from Him.

Second: its(the Bahwasa kindness weighing-machine of perpetrator ghibah will move to man who slandered it. If s(he didn't had kindness at all, hence taken away from badness weighing-machine of man who slandered it and added to its(the badness weighing-machine. If considering this thing always, undoubtedly someone berfikir would thousand times to do deed ghibah.

Third: Man shall who is doing ghibah to remember formerly their/his self ignominy and soon tries improve;repairs it. Thereby will arise shyness at ownself if opening others ignominy, whereas their/his self stills has ignominy.

Fourth: If man ignominy which will be slandered there is no at their/his self, s(he shall soon thanks goodness to Alloh because because He has obviated from the ignominy, rather than defiles x'self with ignominy larger ones which in the form of deed ghibah.

Fifth: Considering if(when s(he to discuss you its(the, hence s(he is like man is eating his own your carcass, as told by Alloh: " And doesn't partly you slanders some other. Likes one of the among you to eat flesh you its(the which have been dyeing?" ( Al Hujuraat : 12)

Sixth: Its(the law is mandatory mengi-ngatkan man is being does ghibah, that the deed its(the law is illicit and irate [by] Alloh.

Seventh: Always remembers sentences and hadits-hadits prohibiting ghibah and always takes care of oral ins order not to invite ghibah.

Hopefully Alloh always keeps away us from deed that is is not praised this, amen.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

What a Muslim Thinks?

"(That is) people who remembers Alloh standing or sitting or in a state of liing down and they thought of about celestial creation and earth (as great as saying): "Yes our Alloh, no You creates this fruitlessly. The Most Holy You, hence looking after us from hell torture. (QS. Aali ‘ Imraan, 3:191)

Man is creature equiped by Alloh supporting facilities for thinking. But darling, mostly they don't apply this vitally supporting facilities properly. Even practically some of men seldom thinks. Actually, each and everyone has level of ability to think often he/she xself doesn't realize it. When putting into use ability to think the, facts that is hitherto unable to be known it, in the long run starts is open before his(its. Increasingly in s(he thinks, increasingly increases ability to think it and this thing likely enough applies for every people. Must be realized that every body has requirement to think and applies its the maximum mind.

A lot of opinion that for " thinks exhaustively", someone need to hold head with both palms [his] arms, and stands apart in a quiet room, far from bustle and all the business. It is really, they have assumed " thinks exhaustively" as thing weighing and troubles. They are having conclusion that this work only for circle " filosof". Though, Alloh obliges man to think exhaustively or gazes. Alloh says that Al-Qur'an degraded to man for thought or contemplated:
"This is a derivable We book to you, full of benediction so that they pay attention to (contemplates) its(the sentences and so that gets Iesson of people who has mind" (QS. Shaad, 38: 29).

One can thinks whenever and it doesn't matter. Thought not requires time, place of and or special condition. One can thinks run in roadway, when going to office, drives car, works in front of computer, attends meeting with friends, sees TV and or when is lunching.

Between news that is often we are witnessed in various stations TV and newspaper is report about natural disaster. Man can born down upon natural disaster like excitement earthquake, [fire/burning] and or floods. Someone who is witnessing various reportages about natural disaster thinks that Alloh has reigning over all something, that He earned is just falls to breaks a town so plane with soil;land;ground if He wanted. After thinking of all these, s(he is understanding that there are nothing also besides Alloh which can be made haven and resorts to. Even firmest buildings; towns equiped with by technology that is most sophisticated also will not can stay to adzab Alloh; they earn is annihilate at once.

Do not an or a nation also can duck out any disaster unless Alloh want other. Nonchalant is the nation be including richest and strong in world or inhabits a place which its(the geographical position doesn't show existence of possibility is hit [by] the disaster. Alloh says no one also nation capable to prevent disaster which will befall them.

"Hence does the countrys resident feels safe from arrival of torture We to them between two lights in time they was sleeping? Or whether the countrys resident feels safe from arrival of torture We to them in the sun time went up when they are playing? Hence do they feel safe from adzab Alloh ( which is not terduga-duga)? No feeling safe and adzab Alloh except people who loses. And whether unclear for patrimony people who a country after ( leading) its(the resident, that if We wanted of course We their adzab because its(the sins; and We liver death key they so that they cannot hear ( Iesson again)?" ( QS. Al-A'raaf, 7: 97-100)

Al-Qur'an is last book which derivable Alloh for all man. Each and everyone living in earth is obliged to study Al-Qur'an and executes its(the comands. However, most man doesn't study and or executes what which Alloh command in Al-Qur'an kendatipun they receive it as a book made a night of it. This is effect [of] has not thought of about Al-Qur'an but simply knowing from information gotten from there here. On the contrary, for man is thinking, Al-Qur'an has a real big position and role in its the life.

Alloh says about purpose of derivable of Al-Qur'an for man:

"This is a derivable We book to you full of benediction so that they pay attention to its(the sentences and so that gets Iesson of people who has mind." ( QS. Shaad, 38: 29)

"Not on any account that way the things. In Fact Al-Qur'an is commemoration. Hence whomever wants, undoubtedly s(he takes Iesson thereof ( Al-Qur'an). And they will not take Iesson thereof except ( if) Alloh wants it. He ( Alloh) be Alloh That is proper ( we) having Allohly to it and [is] entitled to pardon." ( QS. Al-Muddatstsir, 74: 54-56)

In Al-Qur'an, Alloh tells some Iessons from life of the prophets and rasul living in past that man can see how behavior, discussion and human life diridhai by Alloh, and makes them as peer. In Al-Qur'an, mentioned some ancient nations characteristics, akhlaq and disasters befalling them. It is a big mistake to comprehend this sentences only as event of history of with various events befalling them. Because, as in all other sentences, Alloh tells life of nations in tooing for we to contemplate and takes Iesson from various disasters befalling this nations as guidance in improve;repairing behavior of us.

Concerning whether in Al-Qur'an Alloh invites man to think?

"And We are derivable to you Adz-Dzikr (Al-Qur'an), that you explains to people has have been degraded to them and so that they thought." (QS. An-Nahl, 16: 44)

Alloh invites man to thought of creation of their/his self:

"And says man: " Is right that if I have died, that I seriously will be awakened to become resurrecting?" And doesn't the man thought of that in fact We has created it is former, medium of s(he is there is no at all?" (QS. Maryam, 19: 66-67)

Alloh invites man to thought of about creation of the universe:

"In fact in celestial creation and earth, silih changes it night and noon, ark sailing on the sea brings what which good for man, and what which Alloh alight from sky in the form of water, then with the water He animated earth after death ( drought) his(its and He propagates in that earth all animal types, and grind of wind and cloud controlled between skies and earth; it is really (there is) marking (singleness and Alloh highness) for thinking clan." (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2: 164)

Alloh invites man to thought of life character a world of temporary:

"In fact earthly life imagery of that, be be uliginous ( rain) which We alights from sky, then growed luxuriantly his(its because the water plants earth, between of something is eaten [by] man and livestock animal. finite if the earth have perfected beauty [of] his(its, and uses ( also) its(the ornament, and its(the owners assuming that them surely masters it, sudden comes to it adzab We in the night or noon, then We made ( its(the crops) executes planting which have been mowed, likely have never growed yesterday. The Above Is True We explain power marking (We) to people who thinks." (QS. Yuunus, 10: 24)

"Are there one of the in between you which wish to have date garden and grape;wine running under it rivers; s(he has in the garden all kinds of fruitses, then comes a period of stripper at the medium man of s(he has descendant which still little. Hence the garden is blown bluster containing fire, then combustible. The Above Is True Alloh explains His sentences to you so that you thought of it." (QS. Al-Baqarah, 2: 266)

Alloh invites man to thought of scrumptious which they have:

"And Alloh unfolding earth and makes mounts and rivers to [him]. And makes to [him] all fruitses couple, Alloh closes night to noon. In fact at such there is marking ( Alloh highness) for thinking clan. And in this earth there is adjacent parts, and grape;wine gardens, crops and tree korma is branching and which is not branched, sprinkled with the same water. We exaggerate is partial planted that is to partly other about likely. In fact at such there is marking ( Alloh highness) for thinking clan." (QS. Ar-Ra‘d, 13: 3-4)

Alloh invites man to think that all the universe has been created for man:

"And He has subdued for your what which in the sky and what which in earth altogether, (as blessing) thereof. In fact at really such there is marking ( Alloh power) for thinking clan." (QS. Al-Jaatsiyah, 45: 13)

"He grows for you with the rainwater plants; olive, korma, out of job and all kinds of fruitses. In fact at really such there are sign (Alloh power) for thinking clan. And He subdues night and noon, the sun and month for your. And the the stars is subdued (for your) by order of Him. In fact at really such there are marking (Alloh power) for comprehending clan (his(its), and Him (subdues also) does He create for you in this earth with berlain-lainan kinds of his(its. In fact at really such there is sign (Alloh power) for clan taking Iesson. And Him(her, Alloh subduing ocean (for your), that you can eat thereof fresh flesh (fish), and you releases from the ocean ornament which you uses; and you sees ark to sail to [him], and so that you looks for (advantage) from His grant from above, and so that you thanks goodness. And He sticks mounts in earth so that the earth doesn't shake together you, (and He creates) rivers and takes the air that you to get guide, and (He creates) marking (road(street indicator). And with the stars that is they get guide. Hence is (Alloh) what creates that is equal with cannot create (something)? Hence why you doesn't take Iesson." (QS. An-Nahl, 16: 11-17)

Alloh invites man to thought of about their/his self:

"And why they don't thought of about (case) their x'self?" (QS. Ar-Ruum, 30: 8)

Alloh invites man to think of akhlaq which is good:

"And you doesn't come near orphan possession, except by the way of which more useful, till s(he is adult. And makes perfect measuring and weighing-machine dispassionately. We don't shoulder burden to sesorang but simply its(the readyness. And if you say, hence so it will you applies fair, though s(he is your consanquinity, and fulfills God promise. Such is commanded God to you that you remembers." (QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 152)

"In Fact Alloh orders ( you) applies is fair and does benefaction, gives to kinfolk, and Alloh prohibits from despicable deed, kemungkaran and hostility. He gives teaching to you that you can take Iesson." (QS. An-Nahl, 16: 90)

"Hi believe people who, you doesn't enter house which is not your house before requesting permit and salutes to its(the dweller. Better such for you, that you ( always) remembers." (QS. An-Nuur, 24: 27)

Alloh invites man ntuk to think of eternity/the beyond, doomsday and day penghisaban:

"At day when every x'self discovers all benefactions is confronted ( face it), so ( also) badness which has been done it; s(he wished if presumably between s(he that dayly there is a period of far; and Alloh warns you to His torture. And Alloh hardly Penyayang to His slaves." (QS. Aali ‘ Imraan, 3: 30)

"And remembers slaves We: Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya'qub having big deeds and high sciences. In Fact We have sanctified them with ( bestows to them) akhlaq which is high that is always reminds ( man) to eternity/the beyond country." (QS. Shaad, 38: 45-46)

"Hence not which they be awaiting but doomsday ( that is) its(the arrival to them out of a clear sky, because in fact has come its(the marking. Hence is its(the benefit for they awareness they the if Kiamat have come?" (QS. Muhammad, 47: 18)

Alloh invites man to thought of mortal which He creates:

"And Your the infinite mades a night of it to bee: "Dens create in hills, in wood trees, and in places made by man", then eats from every (kinds) fruits and go through road(street Tuhanmu which has been facilitated (for you). From the bee stomach out beverage (honey) which all kinds of its(the colour, in it there is drug healing for man. In fact at really such there is sign (Alloh highness) for people who thought." (QS. An-Nahl, 16: 68-69)

Alloh invites man to thought of adzab is earning suddenly befalls it:

"Say: "Explained to me if comes Alloh torture to you, or comes to you doomsday, does you exclaim (the infinite) besides Alloh; if you are correctness people who!" (QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 40)

"Say: "Explained to me if Alloh to abstract hearing and eyesight and closes your liver, who is the infinite besides Alloh having the power returns it is to you?" Pays attention to how We many times shows highness marking (We), then they still look away (also). (QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 46)

Say:" Explained to me if comes Alloh torture to you abruptly, or outspoken, hence [is] there any destructive ( Alloh) apart from man who dzalim?" (QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 47)

"And not they (hypocrisy people) pays attention to that they are tested once or twice every year, and they no (also) repentance and no (also) takes Iesson?" (QS. Yuunus, 10: 50)

"And not they (hypocrisy people) pays attention to that they are tested once or twice every year, and they no (also) repentance and no (also) takes Iesson?" (QS. At-Taubah, 9: 126)

"And in fact we have given to Mozes Al-Kitab (Taurat) after destructive We of generation antecedent, to be pelita for man and guide and blessing, that they remember." (QS. Al-Qashas, 28: 43)

" And in fact we have destroyed man who similar to you. Hence [is] there any man which will take Iesson?" (QS. Al-Qamar, 54: 51)

"And in fact We has punished ( Fir'aun and) its(the clan with (delivers) long dry season and lacking of fruits, so that they take Iesson. ( QS. Al-A‘raaf, 7: 130)

Alloh invites man to thought of about Al-Qur'an:

"Hence is they heedless Al Qur'an? If presumably Al Qur'an not from Alloh side, of course they get contradiction which many in it." (QS. An-Nisaa', 4: 82)

"Hence is they heedless word ( We), or whether have come to them what which have never come to ancestors they are former?" (QS. Al-Mu'minuun, 23: 68)

"This is a derivable We book to you full of benediction so that they pay attention to its(the sentences and so that gets Iesson of people who has mind." ( QS. Shaad, 38: 29)

"In Fact We facilitate Al Qur'an with your language so that they get Iesson." ( QS. Ad-Dukhaan, 44: 58)

"Not on any account that way the things. In Fact Al Qur'an is peringatanMaka whomever wants, undoubtedly s(he takes Iesson thereof ( Al Qur'an)." ( QS. Al-Muddatstsir, 56: 54-55)

"And the above is true We reduces Al Qur'an in Arab language, and We has explained repeatedlyly, in it partial from threat, that they are having Allohly or (that) Al Qur'an generates teaching for they.". ( QS. Thaahaa, 20: 113)

Rasul-rasul Alloh invites its(the believer which less in the case of understanding to think:

"Say: I don't tell to you, that exchequer of Alloh [is] on me, and no ( also) I know which ghaib and no ( also) I tell to you that me an angel. I don't follow except what made a night of it to me. Say: "Is same man who blind with seeing?" Hence does you not thought ( his(its)?" ( QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 50)

"And s(he argued by its(the clan. He says: " Does you will argue about Alloh, though in fact Alloh has given guide to me". And I am not afraid to ( calamity from) sembahan-sembahan which you are allies with Alloh, except in my Alloh scorpion wants something ( from calamity) that. my Alloh Knowledge covers all something. Hence does you cannot take Iesson ( thereof) ?" (QS. Al-An‘aam, 6: 80)

Alloh invites man to think to fight against prince of darkness influence:

"And if you are befalled [by] something prince of darkness obsession hence sheltering to Alloh. In Fact Alloh The Most Heard again The Most co-signature. In fact people who is having Allohly if(when they are befalled [by] sneaking from prince of darkness, they remember to Alloh, so whenever that also they see its(the mistakes. And their friends ( infidel people and fasik) assists prince of darknesss in misleading and they don't desist it ( misleads)." ( QS. Al-A‘raaf, 7: 200-202)

Alloh Comand to point man who given explanation about religion teaching to think exhaustively:

"Go you along with your you by bringing My sentences, and you two doesn't be negligent in considering Me; Go you two is to Fir'aun, in fact s(he ultra vires has; hence talking you two to it with gentle words, hopefully s(he remembers or fear". ( QS. Thaahaa, 20: 42-44)

Alloh invites man to think of death and dream:

"Alloh holds soul ( people) when its(the death and ( holds) soul ( man) who had not died in its(the bedtime; hence He is resistant is soul ( man) who [he] has specified its(the death and He discharges other soul until time specified. In fact at such there is power marking of Alloh for thinking clan." ( QS. Az-Zumar, 39: 42)

Someone thinking to hardly understanding to creation secrets of Alloh, truth of about life in world, existence of hell and heaven, and real truth from all something. He would to circumstantial understanding for the importance of becoming someone who loved Alloh, executes religion teaching in correctness, finds Alloh characters in all which s(he sees, and starts thinking by the way of which unlike most man, but as which Alloh commands. Walhasil s(he will get enjoyment that is more than beauty [of] which s(he witness, exceeds from got by others. He will not suffer mind pressure because brought by zero day-dream that is there is no its(the base and is not dragged by world gluttony.

This only a few of keutamaan-keutamaan obtained by someone thinking in world. Reciprocation in eternity/the beyond for man the always looks for truth by thinking is love, affection and Alloh heaven.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Open The Door

Tidak terasa hampir 2 bulan saya tidak menempati rumah ini. Sepertinya saya harus membuka pintu kembali untuk sekedar bersih-bersih, menata ulang dan menerima tamu kembali. Semoga tidak lama lagi saya kembali eksis. Maafkan ya temans, bila selama ini kalian mampir tapi rumah ini dalam keadaan kosong

Monday, 5 October 2009

Kopdar Batik Globber

Kopdar ini selain memang sudah dijadwalkan sebelumnya, (katanya) sekaligus menyambut LadyElen yang sedang pulang kampung ke Malang. Jadilah Kopdar Batik Globber feat LadyElen

Merayakan diakuinya batik sebagai produk asli Indonesia, di kota Malang pada hari Jumat 2 Oktober 2009 hampir semua instansi memberlakukan memakai baju batik, tak terkecuali mulai siswa SD hingga mahasiswa. Di depan kantor walikota Malang juga tergelar acara Batik and #indonesiaunite yang semuanya memakai batik. Tak mau kalah, komunitas blogger malang juga mengadakan kopdar batik yang diadakan di wilayah kampus ITN, tepatnya Warung Bakar&Bakar di hari yang sama. Sayangnya baju batik saya ketinggalan di Solo

Akhirnya kesampaian juga angan tuk ngumpul lagi dengan nawak-nawak Globber setelah 10 bulan belum menjenguk kota Malang tercinta

So, do I Still a Blogger?

Monday, 28 September 2009

Do I Still a Blogger?

Saya pernah menyinggung sedikit tentang fenomena blog sekitar 2,5 tahun lalu. Saat itu saya masih mempunyai ghirah yang cukup tinggi dalam dunia menulis yang tentu saja di blog tercinta. Dalam sebulan saya mampu mempublish rata-rata 20 artikel, artinya hampir tiap hari saya mempunyai bahan untuk menuangkan segala ide di kepala. Rasanya mengalir begitu saja, mudah dan menyenangkan. Apalagi waktu itu tema tulisan sebagian besar dalam kategori tips dan trik dalam koridor IT. Meski artikelnya sederhana namun semuanya berdasarkan uji coba dan pengalaman pribadi, bukan kopas dari sumber lain.

Beberapa tulisan saya sering saya temui di blog orang lain, walaupun ada yang jujur mencantumkan blog saya sebagai sumber tulisan, ada juga yang sama sekali tidak mencantumkan dari mana tulisan itu dicomot, bahkan dipakai sebagai iklan produk susu tanpa pemberitahuan pada saya. Awalnya geram mengetahui ketidakjujuran mereka, namun akhirnya saya sadar bahwa blog hanyalah media dalam memberikan sesuatu yang memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain. Masalah diakui orang lain atau tidak itu bukan urusan saya lagi, kewajiban saya hanyalah memberi dan tidak berharap menerima pujian/balasan dari orang lain. Kalaupun ada yang sempat memberikan komentar dalan kolom komentar itu sudah merupakan kebahagiaan, ternyata ada yang respon terhadap remah-remah coretan saya yang kalau dibandingkan blogger yang lebih dulu/senior dari saya, tulisan saya tidak ada apa-apanya.

Bagaimana dengan sekarang?

Sebagai blogger abal-abal, disebut abal-abal karena tidak 100% sebagai blogger, hanya profesi maya yang mendampingi profesi nyata (bekerja) saat itu. Seiring berjalannya waktu, perjalanan saya menulis di blog selama 5 tahun ini tampaknya sudah mulai meredup. Tentu saja bukan tanpa sebab. Saya merasa perlahan-lahan tema tulisan tidak lagi greget seperti dulu. Sekarang lebih banyak ke topik Intermezzo atau cerita (Lady). Mengenaskan ya?

Yup, setidaknya saya masih eksis di dunia maya, masih memiliki blog (meski frekuensi tulisan tidak banyak seperti dulu), dan masih aktif di milis. Kalau dulu mungkin sering kontak dengan sesama blogger saja, karena tidak semua orang di dunia maya suka menulis. Kini teman saya semakin bertambah dengan media jejaring sosial, bertemunya kembali dengan teman-teman jaman sekolah dulu, saudara yang sempat berjauhan tempat tinggal, semakin dekat rasanya. Kalau dulu mengandalkan koneksi internet di tempat kerja, sekarang bisa online di/dari mana saja, apalagi di rumah. Siapa tahu kondisi ini akan membangkitkan semangat untuk menulis lagi yang lebih berbobot? atau mendapatkan lebih banyak dollar dan rupiah via blog? Insya4wl.. amin.

So, do I Still a Blogger?

Saturday, 12 September 2009


Istilah buka bersama umumnya menggunakan singkatan buber, bukber, bubar, dst yang tidak jauh dari 2 kata tsb. BETIGA terdiri dari 3 suku kata be-ti-ga, sepertinya kurang nyambung dengan kata ‘buka bersama’. Ternyata BETIGA merupakan bentuk lain dari kata B3, 3B, maupun BBB alias Buka Bersama Bengawan. Acara ini bagian dari agenda Bengawan di bulan Romadhon yang tergelar di Taman Budaya Surakarta (TBS) tepatnya di pendopo wisma seni pada hari Jumat, 11 September 2009. Tidak hanya dihadiri bengawan/ti, tapi juga komunitas dari luar Solo yakni Ponorogo dan Yogyakarta.

Bukan tanpa makna bila istilah menggunakan istilah Buka Bersama Bengawan (BETIGA). Membuka pintu silaturahim bengawan dan bengawati. Membuka jatidiri tentang siapa, bagaimana dan motivasi apa di ranah blog. Membuka hati untuk menerima keragaman profesi, motivasi dan sara (suku agama ras). Serta membuka ide-ide yang belum tertuang demi mweujudkan asa bengawan di masa mendatang. Bengawan benar-benar hangat…

Setelah sholat maghrib berjamaah tibalah pada puncak acara yakni berbuka puasa menikmati tengkleng khas Solo.Iini menu yang baru saya kenal setelah menetap di Solo. Mirip dengan gule, sama-sama dari kambing namun cirikhasnya adalah lebih banyak tulang belulang seperti bagian kepala, kaki, tetelan dsb. Saya yang baru sekarang meracik di piring sendiri malah mendapatkan bagian mata… duh. Namun tak kalah sedap adalah otak kambing. Atas rekomendasi teman saya kutan mengambil otak dalam tengleng yang dibungkus dengan daun pisang. Terus terang baru sekarang saya makan otak. Makyuss..

Semoga setelah ini akan lebih greget lagi acara dan agenda dari komunitas sebagai wujud eksistensi blogger Bengawan Solo.


otak kambing


Wednesday, 9 September 2009


Angka cantik sering menjadi dambaan sebagian orang. Ada yang dipakai sebagai nomer hp, plat mobil, juga tanggal kelahiran.

Yang sering disebut angka hoki adalah angka 9. Angka 999 tidak asing bagi saya karena angka itu adalah merk teh yg biasa saya minum. Ada yang menjadikan angka tsb sebagai tanggal kelahiran meski untuk mendapatkan harus menjalani persalinan yang tidak normal. Mereka menganggap itu angka hoki. Memang sih masing-masing orang berhak atas pilihan dan keinginan mereka.

Bagi saya sebutan hoki harus disertai wujud nyata. Pada 9 september 09 ayah memenangkan lomba memancing ikan dengan nilai jutaan. Pada tanggal itu juga hadiah dari kontes blog yang saya ikuti dikirimkan kepada saya. Benar-benar hoki..

Btw, saya juga lahir tanggal 9 semoga juga membawa hoki bagi saya, keluarga, agama, bangsa dan negara. Amin..

*gambar diambil dari

Monday, 7 September 2009

Penukaran Uang Baru

Indonesia. Negara yang penuh dengan budaya. Budaya tahunan yang selalu ada adalah budaya mudik, terutama saat hari raya idul fitri yang sebentar lagi kita masuki. Selain itu ada budaya yang tak kalah hebohnya yakni masyarakat kita juga melestarikan budaya menukar uang baru. Seakan masyarakat kita mendadak kaya. Kalau saya lihat penampilan mereka rata-rata dari golongan menengah ke bawah.

Awalnya tidak pernah terbersit dalam angan saya untuk mempunyai uang baru yang mulus saat lebaran. Namun setelah mengetahui BI merilis uang baru nominal 2000, saya jadi penasaran ingin menukar uang di BI seperti orang lain. Sebenarnya kalau menukar uang bisa di bank mana saja, tapi untuk nominal baru tersebut hanya BI yang bisa melayani.

Oleh sebab itu saya nekat berangkat ke BI jam 6. Sesampainya di sana apa yang terjadi? Antrian panjang sekitar 500 meter membuat saya ragu untuk meneruskan niat. Namun setelah melihat begitu cepatnya antrian maju, saya memantapkan hati masuk dalam antrian. Belum lama saya mulai menikmati arus, tiba-tiba ada yang teriak memberitahu bahwa kartu nomer pengambilan sudah habis, waktu itu maksimal mencapai 1200 nomer. Antrian yang panjang tidak lama kemudian membubarkan diri, bahkan sempat membuat lalu lintas kacau balau. Namun ada juga yang masih emoh beranjak dari posisinya, masih saja mengantri dalam naungan sinar matahari dengan harapan pihak BI merubah pengumuman yang mulai terpasang di sepanjang dinding dari seng.

Waah.. Akhirnya saya pulang dengan tangan hampa, dan sepertinya belum ada niat lagi untuk mengikuti budaya tukar uang. Rasanya menyiksa diri kalau rela berpanas-panasan hanya untuk kesenangan sesaat.

Namun bagi yang ingin sukses mendapatkan uang baru, ada cara lain untuk mendapatkan uang baru itu yakni:

1. silakan datang ke TKP jam 12 malam. Itu saran dari orang-orang di sana. Lha wong ada yang datang jam 4 pagi saja tidak kebagian kok...

2. dengan membeli uang di calo, dengan harga 10-20% di atas jumlah yang ditukar, pinter-pinteran nawar saja.


Ya sudahlah, saya tidak mendapat uang baru tidak masalah, toh uang rupiah lama maupun baru tetap bernilai sama, tidak seperti dolar yang harus tetap kuenceng dan kuinclong bila ingin harganya tinggi. Yang terpenting adalah, bagaimana menjaga ibadah puasa kita supaya tidak sia-sia..

Monday, 17 August 2009

I'm a Winner

Dirgahayu ke-64 Republik Indonesia, merdeka!! Semoga membawa keberkahan kepada seluruh Masyarakat Indonesia. Amiin..

Alhamdulillah keberkahan itu juga menaungi saya, baik di dunia nyata maupun maya. Di dunia nyata, 16 Agustus kemarin saya memenangkan hadiah utama pada gerak jalan santai di tingkat RW Pucangsawit, Solo. Sedangkan di dunia maya, 17 Agustus (hari ini) saya memenangkan hadiah hiburan pada acara kontes blog yang diadakan oleh Alnect Computer Web Store. Semua acara dalam rangka memeriahkan HUT RI ke 64.

Bagaimana wujud hadiahnya? Yang jelas wujudnya semua nyata...

Dispenser Miyako

USB Kingston 2GB

Apapun hadiahnya, minumnya teh botol sosro semoga memberikan manfaat dan membawa barokah

Monday, 27 July 2009

Book About Facebook

Gramedia sebagai salah satu pusat penjualan buku terbesar di Indonesia, memang layak dijadikan tempat untuk berburu buku terbaru dari berbagai penerbit. Salah satunya adalah buku seputar facebook. Saat ini facebook sudah menjadi santapan sehari-hari para netter, entah hanya update status maupun berbagai tujuan lainnya.

Bagi facebooker di Solo, apapun motivasi anda ber-facebook-ria dan jika ingin menambah pengetahuan seluk-beluk facebook, silakan datang ke gramedia, bisa sekedar membaca maupun membeli. Di sana tersedia banyak buku mengenai facebook dari berbagai penerbit yang ditempatkan dalam satu blok khusus facebook.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Kamera CCTV Low Cost di Alnect Komputer

Siapa yang tidak kenal CCTV (Closed Circuit TV), kini umum digunakan untuk memantau tempat-tempat umum terutama yang rawan kejahatan seperti mall/swalayan, terminal, bandara dan seperti yang terjadi baru-baru ini peristiwa teror bom di hotel bertaraf internasional.

CCTV biasanya dipasang di tempat yang strategis misalnya pintu masuk/keluar, maka CCTV bisa merekam apa dan siapa saja yang melalui tempat tersebut. Bahkan jika gelap gulita, CCTV dengan fitur infra merah bisa merekam gambar dengan jelas. CCTV bisa disambungkan dengan monitor TV bahkan bisa juga diawasi dari jauh melalui internet. Hasilnya juga bisa direkam dalam harddisk selama 1 bulan setelah itu baru rekaman terakhir menimpa rekaman yang pertama.

Sekarang harga CCTV cukup terjangkau. Di mana lagi kalau bukan di Alnect Komputer. Hanya dengan harga Rp. 185.000 dengan No Produk: 540124 anda sudah bisa memiliki kamera CCTV yang memiliki desain kecil/mini dan cocok digunakan di warnet, supermarket, sekolahan, kantor dan lain sebagainya. Dilengkapi IrDa (Infra merah) untuk pengoperasian kamera di tempat yang kurang pencahayaan. Keunggulan yang lainnya adalah sensitivitasnya tinggi dan tentunya hemat penggunaan daya listrik.

Oya, Alnect Komputer menyediakan banyak produk yang murah dan berkualitas yang dijual secara online. Jika anda ingin mendapatkan hadiah laptop dan hadiah-hadiah menarik lainnya silakan ikutan mereview produk-produk unggulannya di blog masing-masing. Cara mudahnya, silakan klik tiket berikut ini untuk registrasi
Alnect Computer Blog Contest